Waldhausen - Dimension - L
The equestrian brand Waldhausen has a long tradition and offers a wide range of equestrian equipment and supplies for horses and riders. Founded in 1836, the brand prides itself on the high quality of its products, which include saddles, bridles, blankets, halters and much more. Waldhausen emphasizes the combination of traditional craftsmanship with modern technology, which guarantees comfort and reliability. Thanks to its rich history and constant development, Waldhausen is a popular choice among riders around the world.

Waldhausen Phoenix bells

Dressage gaiters Waldhausen Phoenix

Comfort Vest

Alpaca halter

Hoof bell lambskin, pair


Dressage gaiter Soft

Riding Glove Metropolitan

Waldhausen Memory Foam Pro rear protectors

Gamasche Memory Foam Pro

Dressurgamasche Comfort Light

Dressurgamasche Pegasus

Hufglocken Pegasus

Cooling hoof bell, pair

Cleaning & Care Glove

Hoof bell Basic, pair

Stable gaiter, pair

Replacement bandage cushion for stable gaiter, pair

Comfort hoof bell, pair

Hoof bell rubber with synthetic fur, pair

Hoof bell rubber, pair

Hoof bell Comfort Fur, pair

Fetlock head gaiter Protect

Gaiter Basic Plus

Stroke cap Basic Plus

REFLEX Stroke cap

Waldhausen vest, men

Hoof bell Waldhausen Professional

Hoof bell, pair